Monday, 4 March 2013

Math Curriculum - Front Matter

After reading through the front matter in the Newfoundland and Labrador Mathematics Curriculum Guide, the first thing that stuck in my head was the reoccurring element of making mathematical experiences in education relevant and connected. The theme of connections, as well as reference to the NCTM's other process standards, arose quite often in the front matter. I think this was a positive attribute.

The next thing that I noticed about the NL Curriculum Guide was how similar it was to the WNCP curriculum framework. They're almost identical in some ways. My concern with this is that Western and Northern Canada possess vast differences, so is it appropriate that we're all using the same curriculum framework? I'm also going to note that the publish date on the WNCP is May 2006. It's March 2013... If our NL curriculum is based upon this protocol, are we really up to date?     A lot has changed since 2006.

Now, to steer away from the negative, something I did find particularly useful in the guide was the timeline that was organized into units/topics. I think as a beginning teacher, I would find this to be quite helpful in terms of planning and time management. On the other hand, I don't think teachers should live by the guide, however they should use it simply as guidance. There are going to be students with different interests, backgrounds, exceptionalities, abilities, cultures, etc., and there are many things in the guide that are going to have to be adjusted to meet the needs of differences that exist.

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